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  1. Anthropology & Education Quarterly

  2. Asia Pacific Journal of Education

  3. Asia-Pasific Collaborative education Journal

  4. Assessment in Education : Principles, Policy & Practice

  5. Australian Journal of Linguistics

  6. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education

  7. Early Chilhood Education Journal

  8. Early Education and Development

  9. Educational Action Research

  10. Educational Research

  11. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism

  12. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning

  13. Journal of Curriculum Studies

  14. Journal of Environmental Science and Health

  15. Journal of Learning Disabilities

  16. Journal of Management Education

  17. Journal of Research in Childhood Education

  18. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness

  19. Journal Of Research On Technology In Education

  20. Journal of Science Teacher Education

  21. Journal of Teacher Education

  22. Journal Vocational Education and Training

  23. Language Learning Journal

  24. MAAS Journal of Islamic Science

  25. Mathematical Thinking and Learning

  26. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

  27. Preventing School Failure Alternative Education for Children and Youth

  28. Reflective Practice

  29. RELC Journal

  30. Remedial and Special Education

  31. Research in The Teaching of English

  32. School Leadership and Management

  33. Sport Education and Society

  34. Teachers and Teaching Theory and Practice

  35. Technology Pedagogy and Education

  36. The American Journal Of Islamic Social Science

  37. The Curriculum Journal

  38. The New Educator

  39. The Teacher Educator, A Teacher College Publication



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